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Film 電影
Cotton Sugar
Time Peeling Off 時光剝落
Emulsion Connection 藥膜連結
Window Study #1 窗戶調查報告#1
Afternoon(s) 某一天
Developing 顯影
Developing #2 顯影 #2
Exhibition/Work 展覽·作品
Fallen Leaves Return to Film 落葉歸影
Fabric of Kaohsiung Life 日麗高雄
Unplugged Cinema 不插電電影院
Household Hardware Cinema 家庭五金電影院
Diary Flipbook 生活握手裡
The Red Ribbon 紅緞帶 (Artist Book)
Classes 課程
Teaching Resume 上課經歷
16mm Hand-Painted Film 16毫米手繪膠卷
Paper Cinema 紙電影
Writings 文章
Contact 聯絡
Short Clips 短片
Taipei Poetry Festival CF 臺北詩歌節宣傳影片
Hand-processed Film 手沖練習
Dailylife Clips 生活影片
Project 專案計畫
窗戶調查報告#1 Window Study #1
(2019, s8mm, 3min)
從窗戶望外和觀察別人窗戶是我的嗜好,我使用影像記錄這份嗜好,這是第一份影像報告書。此為 Super 8mm 膠卷一卷拍攝到底,無事後剪接。
攝於約 2013-2014
Observing outside world from my window and observing outside windows are my hobbies. This is my hobby study report #1.
This is an in-camera editing S8mm film.
Footage was shot around 2013, 2014.
Screening History 放映紀錄
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, 2019, Japan