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窗戶調查報告#1 Window Study #1 (2019, s8mm, 3min)

從窗戶望外和觀察別人窗戶是我的嗜好,我使用影像記錄這份嗜好,這是第一份影像報告書。此為 Super 8mm 膠卷一卷拍攝到底,無事後剪接。

攝於約 2013-2014 年。
Observing outside world from my window and observing outside windows are my hobbies. This is my hobby study report #1.

This is an in-camera editing S8mm film.  Footage was shot around 2013, 2014.

žScreenings 放映紀錄:

!8 to !!16[exclamation-8 to exclamation-16 ], 2019, Japan日本