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藥膜連結 Emulsion Connection

(2019, 16mm/8mm/unslit 8mm, 2min)

《藥膜連結》是使用Reg-8mm、Super 8mm和16mm規格交錯連結而成的影像,是光化學和數位的連結,也是作者重新詮釋在美國舊金山無慮的生活和返家後所面對生活的差異;這些影像,呈現出光化學為一種「無斷點式」的時光收集器,膠卷前後格的時間差可以是1/18秒、1/24秒,也可以是1週或10年,而這樣以「藥膜」記錄生活的方式著實令人著迷,宛如夢中跳耀的片段才得以顯露自己的本性。(註記:片頭偏紫的畫面為Kodachrome過期底片,作者於2010年交由美國Dwayne's Photo進行其最後一批次沖洗彩色Kodachrome。)

此片拍攝媒材和攝影機如下 This film is a hybrid of the following film formats and cameras:

超8 (Super 8mm)  Kodak Ektachrome (彩色) with「Canon 814」攝影機
16mm  Kodak Kodachrome (彩色)  with「Keystone 」攝影機
16mm  Kodak Tri-X (黑白)  with「Aaton」攝影機
標準8 (Regular 8mm) Cine-chrome  (彩色) with「Canon 8」攝影機

Emulsion Connection is an inter-weaving work of R8mm, S8mm and 16mm motion picture formats. Emulsion Connection connects photochemical and digital format, as well as filmmaker’s reinterpretation of the carefree student life in abroad and the return to life in hometown Taiwan. These images represent how photochemical could complete a time-based work which seen as a non-breaking time collector; the time difference between each frame can be 1/18 second, 1/24 second, or 1 week, or even a decade. This way of “recording” life is fascinating. It is just like the fragments in the dream, and that one’s nature can only be revealed under this way. (The purple images at the beginning of Emulsion Connection is shot on Kodachrome expired film. It was processed at Dwayne's Photo of their last batch of processing Kodachrome in color in 2010.)