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時光剝落 Time Peeling Off (2017, 16mm/unslit8mm, 2min)

2009年時,在美國跳蚤市場買到的相機中發現了一卷Kodachrome 8mm未沖洗的彩色膠卷,當時各大沖印廠皆已不再支援Kodachrom的沖洗,因此採用黑白藥水實驗沖洗。可能因為膠卷太老舊或是藥水的不穩定性,沖洗完之後的藥膜面極度不穩定,稍微用力刮除,藥膜會輕易剝落。因此我沖洗完之後,儘快使用光學印片機(optical printer)翻拍到16mm Hi-Con的膠卷之上,沖洗Hi-Con膠卷時使用solarize技術提升整體畫面的詭異氣氛。我把翻拍的Hi-Con與未剖半的8mm Kodachrom接在一起,因此影片前半段(0-1分鐘)是保留當時沖印後當下的狀態,而後半段(1分鐘-尾)的影片則會因透過放映機放映,藥膜面多少會逐漸剝落,使每一次的放映都成為唯一的獨一觀影經驗,也命名這部影片為《時光剝落》。

I found a reel of Kodachrome R8mm in an old camera, since Kodachrome was no longer able to be processed by lab, I hand-processed it as B&W. However, the film was too old and the emulsion wasn’t stable, in order to preserve the images, I used optical printer to re-photograph the R8mm on 16mm Hi-Con film with solarized technique to bring up the mysterious atmosphere. There are two parts in this film, first part (0-1min) is the 16mm Hi-Con, and the second part (1min-end) is the original R8mm. Each time of its screening, the emulsion from the R8mm might be peeled off slightly, and this makes each time of screening become a special and unique one.

Unslit 8mm Kodachrome

Solarized 16mm Hi-Con
