蕭壠文化園區兒童美術館 2018.12.19 - 2019.10.27
Siao-Long Cultural Park Children's Art Museum
Household Hardware Cinema 家庭五金電影院
展覽策劃:許岑竹 Curator: Tsen-Chu Hsu
Household Hardware Cinema 家庭五金電影院
展覽策劃:許岑竹 Curator: Tsen-Chu Hsu
本展覽啟發自17世紀電影史前史時期(Pre-Cinema Period)的視覺玩具(Optical Toy)。早在19世紀電影發明以前,17世紀當時許多科學家和藝術家已利用光影、視覺感官和視覺暫留現象,創造出許多奇幻又精緻的視覺玩具裝置,例如魔術幻燈(Magic Lantern)、動畫盤(Zoetrope)、立體影像(Stereoscope Photography)和手翻書(Flip Book)等。然而,這些玩具並非純指為玩具,它們是能夠被欣賞者操作、把玩的藝術品,它們是科學與藝術的結晶,也是孕育日後電影發展的先驅;更可貴的是,這些玩具電影裝置並不仰賴電力科技,它們的材料僅為紙張、木頭或是簡單的機械結構等,它們是科學家和藝術家們巧妙運用視覺現象而完成的藝術品。2019年度於蕭壠兒童美術館所策劃之「家庭五金電影院」展覽,便是以電影史前史時期之視覺玩具作為概念基礎,以家庭和五金用品為材料,創作出新復古風的視覺玩具裝置;除了向前人科學與藝術傑作致敬之外,同時也期盼能夠扮演起承先啟後的教育功能,透過本展覽帶給兒童新的知識、顛覆既有觀念以及激盪創意靈感。
“Household Hardware Cinema” is based on the concept of pre-cinema before 1895, the year when motion pictures were screened to the public. Back then, motion pictures were evolving while optical toys were developed. Visual sensory and persistence of vision allowed artists and scientists to invent unplugged devices for moving images. Inspired by the creativity and ingenuity of our predecessors, I use household hardware to create a “new ancient style” cinema. The exhibition, which pays homage to the scientific and artistic works in history, is also equipped with educational functions. Parents, teachers, and children can learn collaboratively through interactive learning and educational videos.

There are five sections in the exhibition :
Spin! Household Hardware, Magical Visual Puzzle, Wild Hair Show, Do It at Home, Do It Here

Make a guess, what kind of hardware do we use to build this cinema? Why do the images move just through spinning? You got it! The cinema is built with grease filters of a range hood, an egg whisk, and a drain catcher. We take advantage of the fencing and slit structures and cover them with shutters while leaving some gaps in between. When spinning, the images inside are flashed in front of our eyes to create a cyclical animation from persistence of vision. All the images start moving just like magic!

《神奇兩面看》是使用洗衣板仿造 19 世紀的視覺玩具 Bisceneorama。以前的人類是使用紙張折疊成連續的山谷狀,在左右不同角度的兩面上繪畫;從正面觀賞的話,因為角度的關係,反而會「看不懂」,必須要左側看、右側看才能知道原來畫了什麼圖案在上面,因此創造出一種風趣的視覺密碼。
The concept of “Magical Visual Puzzle“ derives from Bisceneorama, an 19th optical toy, which was made in consecutive mountain and valley folds with different drawing on each side of the folds. In the exhibition, a washboard is used here to achieve similar results. The whole image makes no sense at all from the front view. Pictures only emerge when viewers stand from the left or right. The intriguing design creates an interesting visual puzzle. Come and solve it!

太酷了,爆爆哥的頭髮噴了藥水之後,可以一直換不同的造型,實在好神奇啊!這是怎麼做出來的呢?這是阿尼馬動畫工作室的張淑滿導演所製作出來的喔!爆爆哥每換一個動作和一個髮型,張淑滿導演就要畫一張新的圖、換新的物品,接著再用照相機一張一張拍下來,之後上傳到影像剪輯軟體成為動態的影片,再搭配生動活潑的音效和音樂,《爆爆哥頭髮秀》就產生囉!張淑滿導演也特別準備拍攝動畫的教學影片,包含如何使用手機APP 軟體: I Can Animate 和 iMotion,你也來試試看吧!
So Cool! The hairstyle of Bow Bow keeps changing like magic! Amazing! How does this happen? The video is produced by Director Shu-man Chang in Anima Animation Group. All the frames are hand-drawn by Chang. For every change of a single move and hairstyle, Chang needs a new sheet to draw a new image and places a new object in each frame. All the sheets have to be photographed and then uploaded to the video editing software. With some lively sound effects and music, the animation of “Wild Hair Show” is completed. Director Chang also makes tutorial videos on how to make an animation and how to use mobile APPs “I Can Animate” as well as “iMotion”. Let’s try it now!

Having too few toys at home? You can learn how to make your own toys, which are unplugged, inexpensive, and can be made just by paper and stationary. And I believe you will create more innovative optical toys. Don’t forget to share with us!
There are more unique devices of motion pictures and optical toys for you to learn. They are very similar to our works in this Cinema. We can create moving images just through spinning fast frame by frame. With some smart gadgets such as mirrors, axis of rotation, magnifiers, and motors, still images are brought to life and start their actions!
現場動手做 Do It Here

After seeing these different works, are you inspired and excited to make your own motion images? Please ask our staff for a paper model for the animation tray (one model per person a day). Cut out the shape and draw sequence of movements or pictures frame by frame (clockwise or counterclockwise). After finishing manual sketches, fix it on the rotating tray with magnets. Try to spin it and see the pictures through the slits. Something magical happens! You are welcome to leave your work here to share with other children. You can also fix the works of others on the tray to see the magic. Please place them back to where they belong to.

《飛天小熊》復古動畫箱動畫飛行館 友情贊助展出