本展覽啟發自17世紀電影史前史時期(Pre-Cinema Period)的視覺玩具(Optical Toy)。早在19世紀電影發明以前,17世紀當時許多科學家和藝術家已利用光影、視覺感官和視覺暫留現象,創造出許多奇幻又精緻的視覺玩具裝置,例如魔術幻燈(Magic Lantern)、動畫盤(Zoetrope)、立體影像(Stereoscope Photography)和手翻書(Flip Book)等。然而,這些玩具並非純指為玩具,它們是能夠被欣賞者操作、把玩的藝術品,它們是科學與藝術的結晶,也是孕育日後電影發展的先驅;更可貴的是,這些玩具電影裝置並不仰賴電力科技,它們的材料僅為紙張、木頭或是簡單的機械結構等,它們是科學家和藝術家們巧妙運用視覺現象而完成的藝術品。2019年度於蕭壠兒童美術館所策劃之「家庭五金電影院」展覽,便是以電影史前史時期之視覺玩具作為概念基礎,以家庭和五金用品為材料,創作出新復古風的視覺玩具裝置;除了向前人科學與藝術傑作致敬之外,同時也期盼能夠扮演起承先啟後的教育功能,透過本展覽帶給兒童新的知識、顛覆既有觀念以及激盪創意靈感。
“Household Hardware Cinema” is based on the concept of pre-cinema before 1895, the year when motion pictures were screened to the public. Back then, motion pictures were evolving while optical toys were developed. Visual sensory and persistence of vision allowed artists and scientists to invent unplugged devices for moving images. Inspired by the creativity and ingenuity of our predecessors, I use household hardware to create a “new ancient style” cinema. The exhibition, which pays homage to the scientific and artistic works in history, is also equipped with educational functions. Parents, teachers, and children can learn collaboratively through interactive learning and educational videos.