2016蕭壠國際藝術村 - 《落葉歸影》

2016 Soulangh Artist Village Work - Fallen Leaves Return to Film

將電影膠卷赤裸裸地攤開來,我直接在它身上塗抹顏料、拼貼、刮劃、剪接、⋯⋯。這樣的做法,膠卷所投影出的畫面是無法預測、出其不意的,但往往帶出令人驚豔的效果。同時我選擇以落葉比擬自身歸根、歸鄉創作心境,揀用園區內的落葉,以肥皂水去除葉肉,取用其葉脈附著於16毫米透明電影膠卷之上,再應用染色技巧,使落葉歸影有更生動的光影表現。我選用多種放映設備提供不同速度的欣賞方式,包含膠卷放映機、投影片機、光桌、幻燈機以及數位投影機,我也借用展場屋頂的樑,製作了膠卷迴圈,這個迴圈會不停地經由膠卷放映機放映,提供仔細觀賞「放電影」的機會,同時也體會膠卷的真實樣貌及落葉歸影自身的光影韻律。-- 許岑竹

Lying quietly in a cine-camera, a film awaits to fulfill its responsibility of projecting 24 frames of images per second after exposure. Nonetheless, I prefer rolling out films outright and fiddling with them by pigments application, collage, scratch, cut-and-mix, etc. Since these are camera-less measures, the projection is unpredictable, surprising, and often so astonishing that I would be mesmerized.

My residency at the Soulangh Cultural Park, Tainan, is actually a hometown residency for I was born in this city. I had this end-of-residency exhibition named Fallen Leaves Return to Film as it uses the symbol of home-returning, i.e. fallen leaves, as the inspiration of creation. I collected fallen leaves in the cultural park and removed their flesh with soap water. Then having the processed leaves attached to 16mm clear films, I tinted their veins to bring out the most delicate lighting presentation.

A variety of equipment is made available for viewers to appreciate the works at different speed. The choices include a motion picture film projector, an overhead projector, a slide projector, a light box, and a digital projector. I even took advantage of the beams of the exhibition space to make a loop allowing the motion picture film projector to “screen film” in a non-stop manner. The viewers can not only enjoy the “films” in detail and as the way they are; meanwhile, they may enjoy the light-and-shadow rhythm created by fallen leaves. -- TsenChu Hsu

*溫若含老師(任教於美國 Randolph-Macon College 亞洲研究系)撰寫關於《落葉歸影》

Fallen Leaves Return to Film Installation

50ft Full Length

Slide Projector



Fallen Leaves Return to Film on Light Box